how to deal with burnout when teaching online

How To Deal With Burnout When Teaching Online

When teaching online, it can be easy to schedule loads of back-to-back classes with little to no breaks, say yes to students when you want to say no, and end up working more than 5 days a week to suit other people’s schedules.

After experiencing this many times previously, being overworked, exhausted and building resentment, I am here to help you avoid this experience!

Avoiding burnout is first and foremostly preventative. If you are lucky enough to be a freelance teacher, YOU are the BOSS. You decide when you work, how many hours you teach when you take breaks and what days off you will get in a week. I can’t stress enough how important it is to have days off.

This list details all of the things I do to avoid burnout as an online teacher. These ideas have saved me from potential meltdowns and burnout phases. I hope they can help you too.

My tips

  1. Practice self-care, whatever that might look like for you. Mine looks like journaling, going for a walk and having some well deserved days off.
  2. Keep your health in mind, are you eating enough fruits and vegetables? Really?
  3. Make sure you keep on top of your calendar and schedule to make sure that you are taking enough days off and breaks between stints of lessons.
  4. Avoid more than 3 hours of back to back lessons — this allows you to have time to grab something to eat and take a bathroom break between classes.
  5. Prepare your breakfasts/lunches/snacks in advance. Even though you’re working from home and you think you can just whip something up during your break, you will be thankful if you spend 20 minutes the night before preparing something for the next day. Even better, you could make extra when you’re cooking dinner and have leftovers.
  6. Set boundaries with your students. I’m a people pleaser, when a student asks if I can have a lesson that doesn’t fully suit my schedule like 8 am on a Saturday, I am inclined to say yes. Firstly, I could do with the extra cash, and secondly, I don’t want to let them down. This is something I’ve learnt the hard way, you have to learn when to say NO. You don’t have to give reasons or excuses as to why either, your time is your time. Own it.
  7. Get some exercise and fresh air, it helps to clear your mind and feel energized.
  8. Make sure you are getting enough restful sleep, sleep is so incredibly important for the brain and the body. Something I wish I understood better when I was pulling all-nighters at uni.
  9. Ask for support from your family, friends and work colleagues (if you have them). All too often, teaching online can be isolating and lonely, it’s beneficial to be around the company and socialize, or even have a rant if you need to!

I hope this list helps you to stay on top of your classes without running yourself into the ground.

Take care of yourself!


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