Familiar Yet So Different: My Guilty Pleasure When Travelling…

You’ve just touched down in a foreign country, completely surrounded by unfamiliar faces, smells, sounds, and sights.

The jet lag is hitting you hard. Wide awake at 3 am this morning, you decided to head out early to explore, maybe you’ll be tired enough to actually sleep tonight.

It’s midday now and the sun feels different here, stronger, more powerful.

You wander around aimlessly, taking it all in and getting your bearings. You meander through market stalls and get heckled from all angles.

The blazing heat of the sun mixed with the heat of the stoves, the smoke of the fire, and the cacophony of the bustling market leave you feeling bewildered and nauseous. Maybe some food will help to settle your stomach. But there’s so much choice and you’re overwhelmed. You need space to catch your breath and cool down.

The next street looks more shaded with fewer crowds. You make a beeline for it, you need to get away from the noise and the people.

You turn the corner and that’s when you see it. That sign that you dread because it’s your weakness, and at this moment, it appears to be exactly what you need.

Those beautiful Golden Arches look like the gates of heaven amidst the chaos of this unfamiliar place.

You know you have to, it’s like a right of passage when you come to a different country. Imagine all of the possibilities waiting for you inside that cool, air-conned room. The exciting variations of familiar foods with a little added spice, exotic drinks and a seat in that cool air.

You slip inside, thankful to be away from the sticky heat outside. Stroll over to the kiosk and scroll through the bounty that is waiting for you. There’s so much choice, so much undiscovered and you want to try everything, but you stop yourself and only choose a couple of items.

A mix of nerves and excitement fills you up as you wait for your order number to be called. You listen carefully and rush to the counter as soon as you hear it.

Unwrapping the smooth brown paper reveals a warm spicy chicken burger. Spicier than you’re used to but you take it in your stride. You’ve gotta try these things, right?

Maybe a sip of that pink lemonade thing will cool your mouth down. You take a big mouthful of sweet, fizzy liquid from the straw and are quickly surprised by the tiny, perfectly cube-shaped pink pieces of jelly at the bottom. An odd mix of jelly, fizz and spice confuses your taste buds. It tastes familiar but just different enough that you can’t put your finger on it.

Something completely new. You like it. The pink lemonade jelly drink was definitely your favourite part of the meal. The loaded bolognese fries were pretty good too. Not something you expected to find here. You savour the moment, telling yourself that it’s just a one-off treat. You deserve it. You’re jet-lagged after flying halfway across the world.

Life is full of surprises. Though it came as no surprise that you found yourself sitting in the holy grail of fast food chains within your first 24 hours in a new country.

Some things never change.

Traveller! What’s your guilty pleasure? Let me know in the comments!


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