The 7 Worst Things About Being A Digital Nomad

You’ve gotta take the good with the bad!

Before we get started, let me preface this by saying that being a digital nomad is totally awesome and I wouldn’t change it for the world. But all good things have a downside, even travelling the world.

Here are the 7 WORST THINGS about being a digital nomad (in my opinion):

1. BAD WIFI (Shock Horror)

Every digital nomad’s worst nightmare!! We live, breathe and worship good WiFi, it’s the all-mighty power that literally keeps us going. Without good WiFi, we’re in big trouble.

Whether it’s a meeting to attend, a class to teach or an article that needs to be submitted, if the WiFi isn’t good enough, we’re up sh*t creek without a paddle. Bad WiFi is hair-raising, heart-racing business.

When searching for places to stay, checking the WiFi strength is a must! You can always message the hotel/host to ask for the upload and download speed to make sure it’s good enough for your needs.

2. Missing loved ones

This goes without saying really. Being away from home for long periods of time can make you feel like you’ve abandoned your previous life in search of something sweeter.

Family is precious, and when you return home, be sure to cherish every moment with yours. None of us are getting any younger, so make an effort to spend quality time with them and take lots of pictures so you can hold on to the good times forever.

3. Missing home comforts

We all have things at home that we love but can do without when we’re away travelling. Whether it’s that extra comfy pillow that gives you the best night’s sleep, the chocolate bar that’s only sold in your home country or your Mama’s special homemade dish, nothing hits the spot quite like it.

My home comforts (don’t judge me) are:

  • Sausage rolls, which for those who don’t know are pieces of sausage meat wrapped in pastry and baked.
  • Squash/Diluting juice (I was never the biggest fan of plain old water sadly)
  • Having pets around (whether that’s my own little Yorkshire Terrier Dexter, or my boyfriend’s family’s Collie Willow and their black cat Shadow. I miss them terribly when we’re away!)
A delicious sausage roll. Photo by Matt Seymour on Unsplash

4. Feeling lost

Whether emotionally or literally, feeling lost isn’t a great feeling. Arriving in new destinations and having to get set up to work straight away isn’t ideal. It can leave you feeling bewildered, disorientated and lost.

To avoid this, plan ahead so you know what to expect in your next destination. Will there be a shop close by? A cafe where you can grab your morning coffee, or a restaurant for a working lunch? Knowing these details before arriving at your next destination will help you feel more prepared and less lost.

5. Time differences

Travelling to destinations that have completely different time zones from your home country can be difficult. It makes it hard to stay in touch with family and friends at convenient times and makes for interesting working hours (depending on your job).

Making an effort to call family and friends on the weekends can help with the time difference as people usually have more time to talk then than during the week.

6. No colleagues to socialise with

Personally, I don’t mind this aspect, but all you social butterflies out there might! When working as a digital nomad, you’ll likely be able to find fellow digital nomads in your area who are looking for work buddies to go to cafes with and get some work done.

But because of the nature of what we do, these friends will come and go. Meaning that you’ll often be left to your own devices unless you travel with friends or a partner.

7. Leaving

Leaving an apartment, city and country that you’ve come to call home can be pretty heartbreaking. Moving and not knowing whether your next destination will live up to the last is an inevitable risk you have to take.

If you are travelling as a digital nomad for a long time, you’ll come to figure out which places suited you and your lifestyle and which didn’t quite work for you.

Leaving is especially hard if you’ve made lifelong friends along the way.

Photo by Mantas Hesthaven on Unsplash

There you have it! The 7 worst things about being a digital nomad. Let me know if you have anything else to add in the comments!


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